New Relic Setup in Server

New Relic Setup in Server

In this Article , i am sharing you, how you can New Relic Setup in Server . First, i have describe how you can install and setup at New relic at Centos server.

Before start install, Please read below articles:

Please follow below steps for setup the new relic at server.

Step1: Add the New Relic Repository to your server.

First, you have add new relic package to your server software repository.

So, run below command at your server terminal.

sudo rpm -Uvh

Step2: Install the New Relic Packages

Second, you have to install newrelic package from add repository

Step3: Add Lienence Key

sudo yum install newrelic-sysmond

Step 3: Add Licence Key

Now need to add your licence key at server. Your can find your licence at your new relic account.Please login on your new relic account,then browser right corner and click on your user icon and now on the right section, you will the your licence key.

Copy this licence key .Now, you have to login your server at again and run below command for add licence key to your server

sudo nrsysmond-config --set license_key=YOUR_LICENCE_KEY


sudo nrsysmond-config --set license_key=927858b9bde31345614d8ddsss3d656e6cf1e1be

Step 4: Start the New Relic Daemon

Now, you have to start new relic using below command

sudo /etc/init.d/newrelic-sysmond start

Step 5 :New Relic PHP Agent Installation

After daemon start you have install New relic php extension using below code:

sudo yum install newrelic-php5

Here i have install php 5 new relic extension

Step 6: Run the newrelic-install script and follow below instructions.

sudo newrelic-install install

Step 7: Add license key to php

when running newrelic-install install that time asking to add license key and the license key

Step8: Set newrelic.appname in your newrelic.ini file

Now, you have to ser App name at server, which will show on your New relic account.

Goto /etc/php.d/ and find newrelic.ini

Open this files and add APP name which you have want

sudo nano newrelic.ini

Add APP name at newrelic.ini

newrelic.appname = "Centos PHP Application"

Step 9: Restart your web server

sudo apachectl restart

Step 10: Restart New relic

 sudo /etc/init.d/newrelic-sysmond restart


After 30mins-1hrs, YOUR APPLICATION will be new new relic panel.

new relic